Permission Sought for Aparthotel on Acton High Street

27 flats in Aldridge Court to be converted into short stay units

The entrance to Aldridge Court on Acton High Street
The entrance to Aldridge Court on Acton High Street. Picture: Google Streetview


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February 20, 2025

An application (244725FUL) has been submitted to convert 27 flats above shops on Acton High Street into an aparthotel.

The building at Aldridge Court, which occupies the floors above Tops Pizza and Classy Barbers from numbers 174-180 with an entrance at number 176, currently is divided into small living units some of which are below current minimum space standards.

The proposal is to convert them into 27 units designed for short stays as well as constructing a new entrance hall and lift and adding a fifth-floor mansard to provide three additional units of accommodation and a laundry room.

The application submitted by Alpha Planning Ltd requires a change of use from Class C3 to Class C1. The proposal does not affect the ground floor of the building, other than in terms of alterations to the rear.

There are currently 22 one bedroom and five two bedroom flats none of which have either private or communal external amenity space and all but five are single aspect units.

It is argued that, given that the flats are below the required standards for residential use, there should be no objection to their loss.

If the application is granted guests in the rooms would only be allowed to stay for a maximum of 90 days.

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