Inspectors raise prospect of upgrade for local primary

Ark Byron Principal Daniela Grasso
April 2, 2024
A report made by Ofsted inspectors after a recent visit to Ark Byron Primary School in Acton has indicated it may be due a ratings upgrade.
Ofsted aims to visit a school around four years after of giving them a ‘Good’ rating to confirm its earlier assessment in an ungraded inspection. If evidence is found of improvement or deterioration in a school’s performance, the next inspection will be graded.
Ark Byron received a ‘Good’ rating after the last visit in November 2018 and the inspectors returned this February.
Although they were not allowed to change the school’s rating after the visit, the inspectors concluded there was a chance that Ark Byron would be rated as Outstanding at the time of the next inspection which will now take place within two years.
Inspectors described the school as "happy and harmonious", adding that "pupils behave very well. They are respectful, kind and respond positively to the high expectations the school sets."
The report highlighted that "learning is careful and linked across the curriculum. This helps pupils to be highly secure in subject-specific knowledge and skills. As a result, pupils access more complex concepts and make connections across their learning with confidence."
Inspectors also found that "teachers' subject knowledge is a strength because the school and the trust prioritise subject leadership and staff development. Teachers think carefully about how pupils learn best."
Principal Daniela Grasso said, "I am pleased that the report reflects our wonderful school. It recognises our hard work, pupils' enjoyment and progress, and the brilliant support we receive from our parents and governors."
The inspection took place on 20 and 21 February 2024. The report is available on the Ofsted website here.
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