Man from Acton Made Nearly 500 Abusive 999 Calls | |
Petras Narbutas given conditional discharge
A 31-year-old man from Acton has been convicted of making malicious communications after making 497 calls to 999 operators. Petras Narbutas of Horn Lane made the calls between the 1 June 2021 and 21 July 2021. He did not make any requests for any kind of support, but regularly abused and insulted both exchange operators and operators at the Metropolitan Police Control Centre. In a number of these calls he was racially abusive. Due to the number of hate crime offences, Narbutas was one of the highest repeat hate crime offenders in the Metropolitan Police. The police say that his actions have caused some staff to feel personally affected by the calls and the sheer number caused a sever backlog potentially putting other members of the public at risk. Narbutas was arrested for malicious communications on 24 August 2021. He was interviewed where he made a full admission to the offences. At the hearing at Uxbridge Magistrates Court he pleaded guilty to the offences and the District Judge agreed to a Conditional discharge and a 5 year Criminal Behaviour Order, starting on 15 October 2021. Conditions imposed by the order prevents the use of insulting or abusive language towards the emergency services including telephone operators of the emergency services if they make a 999 call. PC Pete Trueman, West Areas hate Crime performance officer said, “The Metropolitan Police Service stands strongly against all forms of hate and will not tolerate its staff being abused or harassed, purely for doing their job”.
November 1, 2021 |