Card Factory to Open in the Oaks Shopping Centre

Taking unit between Banking Hub and Superdrug

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November 1, 2023

One of the vacant units in the Oaks Shopping Centre is being taken up by greeting card and gift retailer Card Factory.

The national chain, which is due to open this week will be situated between the Banking Hub and Superdrug in a space that has been empty since the shopping arcade opened.

Card Factory was launched in Wakefield by Dean Hoyle and his wife Janet and by 2020 the company had over 1,000 stores and was listed on the London Stock Exchange.

The couple had started by buying cards wholesale and selling them from the back of their car at boot sales and other public events.

They sold the business in 2010 enabling Mr Hoyle to invest in Huddersfield Town FC.

There is no further update on new tenants for the other vacant units in the development. A spokesperson for the operator said that they were unaware of any moves by B&M Bargains to take over the lease of the former Wilko store. Wilko was recently relaunched but by a company that had taken over the brand but not the leases of the previous company which went into liquidation.


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