Sadiq Khan Targets East Acton Ahead of London Elections

Area could be pivotal in two London Assembly seats

Sadiq Khan poses for selfies with Rupa Huq MP, councillors and activists
Sadiq Khan poses for selfies with Rupa Huq MP, councillors and activists


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May 2, 2024

Sadiq Khan was joined by senior figures from the local Labour party in an extended visit to East Acton last Friday (26 April).

During his visit he spent time in both the West Central Greater London Assembly (GLA) seat, a top target for Labour, and address a group of party activists on Erconwald Street telling gathered campaigners that “the choice is clear: a Tory candidate who doesn’t share London’s values, or my plans for a fairer, safer and greener city for all Londoners.”

He was there to support Cllr James Small-Edwards, the son of singer Heather Small and rugby coach Shaun Edwards, who is hoping to win the seat from the Conservative candidate Tony Devenish. The seat covers the boroughs of Hammersmith & Fulham, Kensington & Chelsea and the City of Westminster and has elected Conservative members since the inception of the Assembly. However, it is the most marginal seat on the GLA.

Sadiq Khan was joined at the meeting by Hammersmith MP Andy Slaughter and Rupa Huq MP, who will be contesting part of the West Central seat at the next election due to the incorporation of the ward of College Park and Old Oak in the Ealing Central and Acton. She condemned what she called the “divisive, Trumpian” style of politics of Conservative mayoral candidate Susan Hall.

The Tory incumbent in West Central is focusing on crime in his bid to retain his seat saying, “Sadiq Khan has spent 8 years failing London on crime and police. It's time for a Mayor who will listen to Londoners.”

Sadiq Khan joined local party activists to knock on doors in the East Acton area including on the Old Oak Estate and took selfies with passersby although he did get heckled on one occasion.

The group crossed the border into the Ealing and Hillingdon GLA constituency to visit Sabiib Somali restaurant on Acton High Street. He later tweeted, “Wonderful to see one of London's newest restaurants buzzing and busy! London is a global city and diverse businesses like this make a huge contribution to our city - economically, culturally and socially.”

Labour is widely expected to retain the Ealing and Hillingdon seat although it does contain within it the Uxbridge constituency which delivered a shock by-election win to the Conservatives recently which many attributed to anger over the extension of the ULEZ.

The Mayor visits Sabiib Somali restaurant in Acton
The Mayor visits Sabiib Somali restaurant in Acton

Details of how you complete your ballot papers in the London Mayoral and Greater Assembly election this Thursday (2 May) can be found on the London Elects web site.

There are three ballot papers. One vote for the Mayor and two votes for the London Assembly.

List of Candidates for London Mayor

Animal Welfare Party: Femy Amin
Independent: Count Binface
Liberal Democrats: Rob Blackie
Independent: Natalie Campbell
Reform UK: Howard Cox
Social Democratic Party: Amy Gallagher
Green Party: Zoë Garbett
Independent: Tarun Ghulati
Conservative Party: Susan Hall
Labour Party: Sadiq Khan
Independent: Andreas Michli
London Real Party: Brian Rose
Britain First: Nick Scanlon

Ealing and Hillingdon

ReformUK – GOODWIN, Anthony Michael
Conservatives - HIGGINS, Henry
The Green Party - LEE, Jess
Labour Party - MAHFOUZ, Bassam
-Liberal Democrat - SEHRA, Kuldev Singh

West Central

Conservatives - DEVENISH, Tony
Liberal Democrats - NOBLET, Christophe
Reform UK - PATEMAN, Nicola
Green Party - SINHA, Rajiv Rahul
Labour - SMALL-EDWARDS, James Tacuma

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