Council Propose Closure of Stirling Road Tip

Opposition describe plan as 'bonkers' and launch petition against it

The recycling centre on Stirling Road in South Acton The recycling centre on Stirling Road in South Acton


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Ealing Council are proposing the closure of the Acton Reuse and Recycling Centre on Stirling Road.

The council says that it needs to make cuts due to its budget shortfall and therefore wants to consolidate its operation at the centre in Greenford. It claims a single tip is in line with the practice in other London Boroughs.

It is recommending to residents living in the east of the borough that they will be able to use the recycling site at Abbey Road in Park Royal. Another option would be the Townsmead Road centre in Mortlake.

A substantial amount of new development has recently been approved around the site of the Stirling Road tip which is believed to have increased land values in the area. Ealing Council recently gave permission for TfL to proceed with a massive development on Bollo Lane of over 800 flats which will include ten tower blocks over 25 storeys high. Other planning applications for skyscrapers of an equivalent height in the vicinity of the centre are pending approval.

No indication has been given by the council as to the timescale for closure or the intended use of the site.

Liberal Dem councillor Jon Ball says, "This proposal is bonkers. There is a climate emergency. Making it harder for our residents to recycle and forcing them to drive from one end of the borough to the other to do so is crazy. We must save Acton tip."

He claims the Greenford centre will not have the capacity to meet the additional demand so this will lead to delays in booking a slot there or huge queues generating air pollution.

A petition has been launched by the Liberal Democrats in opposition to the closure.

We have asked Ealing Council for more details of the plan and await a response.

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February 17, 2021

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