New Effort to Identify Man Who Died at North Acton Station

Appeal made on Crimewatch for information about 2010 fatality

Images of the man's tattoos and an artist's impression of his likeness. Picture: BTP


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March 12, 2025

A renewed effort is being made to identify a man who was found dead at North Acton station in 2010.

He is believed to have jumped from a bridge at about 2pm on Saturday 26 June and died after landing on the railway tracks. Despite extensive police enquiries at the time, and in subsequent years, his identity remains unknown.

He is described as white with olive skin, 5 foot 9 inches in height and of slim build. He was aged late 30s to early 40s and had dark hair which was receding. At the time of his death the male was wearing a dark blue jacket (with no clothing underneath) khaki trousers and canvas shoes. He was extensively covered in tattoos on his neck, body, arms and legs, including an eagle (right chest), lizard (right arm), devil on motorbike (lower left leg), dolphins & Celtic/tribal symbols (upper left arm).

The effort to find out his name has been dubbed Operation Ambrosia by British Transport Police (BTP) and is one of a number of re-investigations of non-suspicious deaths across the railway network where the deceased persons have never been identified.

Three artist impressions were featured on BBC Crimewatch on Tuesday 11 March.

Detective Superintendent Sam Blackburn said, “The circumstances in each of the cases we are appealing for today are incredibly difficult – men dying alone in an unfamiliar space with no apparent family or friends aware of their whereabouts, and who may still not know after all this time what happened.

“Although there was nothing suspicious behind any of the deaths, despite significant enquiries at the time, their identities remain unconfirmed and their next of kin uninformed.

“We are hoping that, by sharing these artist impressions and these cases, we can identify the families and friends of the deceased and give them the much-needed closure that has evaded them over the months and years.”

If you believe you recognised the man pictured above or think you may have information which might help the police identify him, click on this link.

Missing People is a charity that offers a lifeline to the 180,000 people who run away and go missing each year in the UK.

They listen in confidence, and support missing people and their families to explore their options and, where possible, to reconnect.

Missing People has launched 116 000 - the number to call or text for support if you or someone you love goes missing.

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