Quacking New Inhabitants for Acton Park

Ducklings take to their new home after fall from tree nest

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Acton ducks

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ducklings in Acton Park

All four ducklings on a walk

All photographs by Michael Dilley

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It is fortunate that there are gifted wildlife photographers in the neighbourhood, or it may not have been possible to capture Acton's newest inhabitants in their first week of life.

These captivating pictures were taken of the ducklings on the pond in Acton Park. The photographer, Michael Dilley told us: "The ducklings hatched out in a tree in the park and fell out of their nest. I was able to guide them to the pond where they now live - luckily I happened to be passing when the first duckling fell out."

Apparently nesting in trees is not unusual for mallard when they can't find anywhere else to lay their eggs.

Visitors to Acton Park are delighted with the ducklings which make good use of the bridge over the pond and even take the opportunity to bathe in the brackish water in the overflow puddle. They have even been spotted using a discarded polystyrene take-away carton as a floating jetty amongst the reeds.

These really are true Acton Park ducks.


June 10, 2008