Designer Manbag Sealed Fate of Acton Murderer

Duarra Abdi linked to killing by Louis Vuitton accessory

Abdi with the same manbag he had at the time of the murder. Picture: Met Police


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March 3, 2025

A 20-year-old drug dealer from Acton has been jailed for 22 years after he made the mistake of not disposing of a manbag that linked him to a murder.

Duarra Abdi of Western Avenue, did get rid of the clothes he was wearing when he stabbed 24-year-ol Tyreece Scott to death in the early hours of Tuesday, 16 January 2024.

However, he hung on to the Louis Vuitton accessory that CCTV had captured on his person at the time of the killing and this enabled to identify him and prove his guilt.

Along with 23-year-old Ben Laing of Feltham he stabbed Mr Scott to death on Hibernia Road, a quiet residential street in Hounslow in a dispute over drug dealing territories.

Laing and Abdi drove a hire car to Hibernia Road where they saw Mr Scott riding a bike. Abdi stabbed him while Laing stood next to him and then they got into their car leaving their victim to bleed to death on the road. Attempts by paramedics to save him were unsuccessful.

Reda Mohamed, 24, of Linslade Close, Hounslow and Morgan Allen, 29, of Reeve Street , Feltham were also found guilty of perverting the course of justice for their part in helping the Abdi and Laing flee to Morocco but the pair returned shortly afterwards and were arrested at Stansted Airport after landing back in the UK on Friday, 19 January with Abdi still carrying the manbag.


Specialist police investigators also recovered phone searches on "Hounslow stabbing" on Abdi’s phone which proved to be vital evidence in the trial.

He was also found guilty of possessing a bladed article and it was disclosed after the verdict that he was in breach of suspended sentence given for having a knife in 2022.

The victim Tyreece Scott . Picture: Met Police

Detective Inspector Paul Fagence, who led the investigation, said, “Drug dealing is an ugly business which has cost Tyreece his life.

"The case is a tragic reminder of how the supply of drugs has devastating consequences on communities.

“While there was no evidence to suggest Tyreece knew the defendants, it was the combination of CCTV, mobile phones and ANPR technology which checks vehicles of interest which helped us build a compelling case against these defendants.

"Our thoughts remain, as ever, with Tyreece’s friends and family. We hope they can now find a level of peace to move forward with their lives.”

All four defendants were convicted of their crimes at the Old Bailey on Friday, 10 January with sentences handed out on Thursday 27 February.

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