Dispersal Order for The Mount - Details |
Police powers to disperse groups for 6 months
After we were given notice about the Dispersal Order a couple of weeks ago, we now have a few details about the powers Police have to control anti-social behaviour on and around The Mount outside Morrison's. Police will be entitled to: Tell people in the group to disperse (either immediately or at a stated time and in a stated way). Tell people who don’t live in the affected area to leave Tell people who don’t live in the affected area not to return to the affected area or any part of it for up to 24 hours. The area affected by the Dispersal order is small triangular area bordered by Steyne Road, Horn Lane and High Street. If you wish to report antisocial behaviour in the Dispersal Area you can do so by contacting the: South Acton Safer Neighbourhood Team on 020 8649 3574 or
Ealing Borough Police (Non Emergency Telephone Number) 020-8810-1212 or vVia E-Mail to: ealingintelligence-xb@met.police.uk or In an Emergency always dial 999.
November 28, 2008 |