Neighbourhood Watch - Latest Developments |
Friary Park Estate, North Acton, general update
I would like to introduce myself to you. I am the lead Neighbourhood Watch Officer for Acton, Andrew Gray. Neighbourhood Watch is already successfully operating amongst Acton residents and is of huge benefit to the community. Residents who become part of Neighbourhood Watch Schemes become a team and work against crime in the community together. If you would like to become involved, please email me. Here is an update on the following developments in the Neighbourhood Watch scheme for Acton. 1. The Neighbourhood Watch Scheme on the Friary Park Estate has been running very smoothly and successfully now for the past 9 months. We have had great success with combatting the anti-social behaviour on the estate. Crime figures have gone down and repair work is due to be carried out on some of the residential blocks in the near future by Ealing Council. 2. A new Neighbourhood Watch Scheme is due to be set up on Northfields Road, Westfields Road, Eastfields Road and Saxon Drive in North Acton. Depending on the numbers attending meetings, we expect to have this Scheme up and running by the end of February/early March. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact me: A meeting place for the North Acton scheme is currently under consideration. Residents will be made aware of the date of the first meeting and the venue by Tuesday February 20th via hand-delivered letters. Information will also be available on the website Forum. Andrew Gray February 16, 2007 |