Huge Response to Charity's Food Drive in Market Place |
Around 90 guests served every week by Who is Hussain?
July 11, 2024 A weekly food drive in Market Place, Acton is currently serving around 90 guests from the local community. The event, which takes place every Sunday from 3-4.30pm in front of Morrisons, is organised by Who is Hussain? an international homelessness charity. The initiative will be celebrating its third year in Acton this October. Kumail Jaffer, the London Deputy Chair of the charity said, “Since our small beginnings in 2012, Who is Hussain has rapidly grown into a global movement with representatives in over 60 cities around the world. We empower communities around the world to organise charitable events for the common good. We aim to inspire individuals through the timeless example of Hussain, and the values he stood for; those of compassion, justice and dignity. Our reps and volunteers organise events to give back to their local communities, ranging from blood donation drives to feeding the homeless and much more. The organisation is inspired by the legacy of Hussain ibn Ali, a key figure in Islamic history, particularly within Shia Islam. It aims to promote humanitarian values such as social justice, charity, and community service, reflecting the principles upheld by Hussain ibn Ali. For more information visit its website.