Christmas is Coming to Acton after all |
Tree outside Morrisons will be decorated
Alex Watson of Action Acton contacted us to let us know what is planned for Acton's Christmas. She told us: "The High Street lights will be installed by November 28th." This is good news. Alex has been hard at work negotiating with Morrisons and Ealing Council. "As I think people know, there is a problem with electricity in the Town Square which we are trying to sort out. As it won't be fixed in the near future, Ealing Council are funding two temporary feeder pillars on the Square which should be installed by the end of November. "This will give us power to light the stalls along King Street (the section of the square which runs next to St Mary's Church towards Churchfield Road) and the Farmers Market stalls. Alex continued: "I'm also pleased to say that I've negotiated with Morrisons to help with funding for lights on the fir tree which stands outside the store. An Ealing Council contractor will help us to with installing the lights on the tree as it's very high. All being well, there will be a turning-on ceremony on December 14th which will lead up to the Christmas Festival on the Mount." So Christmas is coming to Acton after all. November 23, 2007 |