Recycling Centre at Stirling Road Set to Reopen

Council says it plans to make it into 'circular economy space'

A plan of the new recycling area in Stirling Road. Picture: Ealing Council


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October 23, 2023

Ealing Council has announced that it is planning to reopen the recycling centre on Stirling Road.

It intends to start recycling activities at the location next year in partnership with the West London Waste Authority

The council is suggesting that the operation of the centre will be different from the previous use with the site becoming the first ‘circular economy’ space of its kind in London.

It says that It is being transformed into an area for residents to repair, reuse and recycle electronics, bicycles, furniture and clothes.

The former tip will host classes and community sessions and events to help people to learn skills to help live more sustainably.

Residents will be able to donate or buy refurbished furniture, electronic goods and household appliances, as well as pick up food otherwise destined to go to waste. The council says there will be even opportunities for volunteering, work placements and apprenticeships.

Local charities involved in reuse activities in the borough are being invited to participate in the operation of the centre.

It is not clear at this stage whether residents will be able to bring general waste or garden waste to the site as they did previously.

The council shut the refuse and recycling centre in November 2021 with residents directed to the Greenford waste and recycling centre. This is now over capacity and will, going forward only be open five days a week from Friday to Tuesday (which includes weekends and bank holidays), from 8am to 4pm, with more residents expected to take their belongings to the Acton site to see if they can be re-used or repaired.

Stirling Road Refuse and Reuse Centre. Picture: Google Streetview

Councillor Deirdre Costigan, deputy leader and cabinet member for climate action, said, “We are really excited to be able to re-open the old Acton waste depot and to announce that Ealing will be home to the very first circular economy space of its kind in the capital!

“We already have a top-quality waste collection service and we are consistently in the top three in London when it comes to rates of recycling. But we need to go to the next level – we need to avoid waste in the first place and the new Acton site will hugely increase opportunities for residents to re-use, repair and recycle.

“It is our ambition to become a net zero borough by 2030, which we cannot achieve on our own. We can all be part of a circular economy and this new initiative is just the start of the council’s ambitions.”

The council previously blamed cuts in government funding for the decision to close the Stirling Road Recycling Centre and said that the money raised was needed to cover budget shortfalls.

The Leader of the Opposition on Ealing Council said, "Lib Dems say the Council closed the Acton tip to save money, then sale fell through to sell the land causing lots of unnecessary flytips and now Labour are trying to reinvent themselves. They should have discussed this earlier rather than trying to present it as a win when they initially failed by closing it."

We have asked Ealing Council the reasons for the planned sale of the site apparently not being completed.

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