Bid to convert premises to other uses

The Belvedere closed with little notice this February
November 26, 2024
Hopes that one of the pubs that closed in Acton earlier this year appear to be receding.
An application (244044FUL) has been submitted to Ealing Council by an Isle of Man based company, Titan Realty Limited, for a change of use on the site which would allow other types of businesses to take up both the ground floor and first floor space.
The pub, which was popular with the Polish community, closed its doors at the beginning of February. The lease for the ground floor of 5016 sq ft had been advertised at £150,000 by Jenkins Law and its web site currently indicates it is under offer.
Designs submitted with the application give no indication of the intended use of the venue other than to suggest the pub fittings would be stripped out. As well as allowing for general commercial use of the building the permission sought would also allow educational use.
The applicant states that, should the change of use be granted, work on the premises would start next April with the intention of completion by September.
At the time of the closure, it was reported that the freehold with vacant possession of the pub site as well as the upper floor which used to house a gym was being offered for £2.1 million plus VAT.
The pub opened at 106-112 Acton High Street in 2007 on the site of what had been the Cuckoo and Rainbow. It was part of the Stonegate Group of pubs which was reported to be having financial problems at the time of the closure.
The Aeronaut pub, which shut around the same time as The Belvedere remains closed despite notices suggesting the closure was temporary. The lease is being advertised by Savills which states on its web site that it is under offer.
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