Could Horn Lane Industrial Zone Be Redesignated?

Local MP says latest news is step in right direction


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London's Deputy Mayor has indicated the controversial Horn Lane Industrial site could be redesignated under the London Plan.

The area has been a source of frustration for local residents who have highlighted problems caused by regular high levels of pollution.

They formed a campaign group Stop Horn Lane Air Pollution (SHLAP) and have long been campaigning for the site to be moved.

They've been supported by the Ealing Central and Acton MP, Angie Bray, who has raised the issue in parliament on many occasions.

Now she says she is now cautiously optimistic that changes may be possible after receiving a letter from the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Policy, Sir Edward Lister.

He acknowledges problems caused by the site and the fact that one of the operators, Gowing and Pursey will be moving to a new location.

He says '' This provides a unique opportunity to consider whether the current designated use of this land remains appropriate in the context of the new Crossrail station and other industrial land in the vicinity of the site at Park Royal. I would welcome your views on this.''

Ms Bray says this is highly significant as it means the area could be redesignated to something more suitable and the industrial zone removed.

She says: ''I have been urging ministers, Ealing Council and the Environment Agency to recognize the continuing pollution problems around the Horn Lane Industrial Site for several years.

''The Mayor of London is now rightly engaged in finding ways to tackle the blight which is affecting many local residents. One of the ideas I have put forward several times, including in my speeches on this issue in Parliament, is to consider re zoning the site so that it is no longer designated for industrial use in the Mayor's London Plan.

''The arrival of Crossrail at Acton Mainline Station is timely good reason to think about making better use of the site which sits right beside the station. Offices, instead of heavy industrial operators such as we have there at present, would reduce pollution in the area significantly. I am therefore really pleased that the Mayor's team at City Hall is now beginning to think along the same lines. The letter to me makes this clear. Obviously this is only the start of a process to make the change but it is very welcome all the same.''

Rosco White from, SHLAP (Stop Horn Lane Pollution) has welcolmed the news:

"At long last, the overdue common sense of re-zoning the Horn Lane Industrial Estate may become a reality. With Crossrail coming, plus the existing excellent transport connections, the northern Horn Lane end of Acton could & should be the jewel in Acton's crown." 

Ms Bray will be meeting with Sir Edward at the earliest opportunity to discuss the issue.

The next meeting for residents is on the 12th June.


9th June 2014 (updated)