The Coffee House |
Enjoy a cup of finest in new cafe on the High Street
What makes a great flat white? I don't know, and, to be honest, don't really care. That's probably sacrilege to the ever growing army of caffeine connoisseurs, but I'm not bothered about the mechanics of how my cup is made - just as long as it tastes good. Actually, I think a decent coffee bar is more than just about serving good quality coffee, it's also about the atmosphere. You won't go far wrong on both counts if you head to The Coffee House on Acton High Street. It's been open now for about 3 months and is certainly making its mark. A steady stream (see what I did there?) of customers popped in when I visted and you can see why. Inside it's been completely redesigned and very nicely done. It's light and airy with uplifting affirmation posters on the walls. There is also a small, but perfectly formed, garden out the back too. It has a friendly and relaxed ambience and felt rather continental - not Acton High Street at all. The owners say they want The Coffee House to 'become a hub for everyone on the go, or for those to enjoy time-out in a busy day'. Shop manager Zsofia Mak along with baristas Jakub, Stephanie and Oliwia, are kept busy but make time to chat to locals and advise on the range of coffees as well as cakes and pancakes. I obviously had to try the flat white and yes, it was good, so good in fact I had another with my brownie. There is a good range of cakes and biscuits, salads, sandwiches (which can be toasted), and pancakes too. The cafe has wifi so is a great place to work, and is accommodating to parents and children who can meet friends and pass an hour or two. There are currently some great promotional offers on each day - including free coffee at various times during the week. Coffees on offer include the award winning Monmouth with blends from Columbia, Brasil, Costa Rica El Salvador, Guatemala, Indonesia and Kenya. There is also organic and decaffeinated too. On Saturdays there is 'Brunchfast; from 8am - 2.30pm and a singer too. It's ideally located on the High Street, close to the new Town Hall development and all the shops. Although it's situated almost opposite a more well known high street coffee shop, I know which one I would choose. Try it yourself.
Annemarie Flanagan 24th June 2015