Women of Acton Walk Sees Increasing Numbers |
Police officers latest to join the attempt to highlight public safety issues
Police officers latest to join the attempt to highlight public safety issues The latest fortnightly Women of Acton saw an increased number of participants including three police officers. The female officers joined the walk on 28 October and said they would like to come along to future walks the next of which takes place on Thursday 11 November. One of the organisers said, “There were newcomers in the group who came from various parts of Acton - a success as we begin to raise public awareness over issues that affect women so profoundly. Each of our routes takes in streets that have been identified as problematic. Last Thursday we walked from Acton Central Station to Acton Park bus stop, along the High Street, past the police station and Pure Gym just opposite, Steyne Road to Horn Lane and through Springfield Gardens, a little park that remains very poorly lit, then back to what has come to be known as The Mound outside Morrison’s. Many women are reluctant to even shop at Morrison’s after dark feeling discomfited crossing the supermarket’s car park.” The meeting point of the walk in 11 November will be 7.30pm at Acton Park close to Acton Central Station. These walks aim to highlight concerns about public safety particularly for woman in the wake of a number of attacks including the murders of Sabina Nessa and Sarah Everard. All are welcome to join and the group.
November 3, 2021