A free guided walk to discover the history of the area

Take a history walk in the North Acton area and see – memorials to some noteworthy people alongside a railway with an involved past of its own alongside exploring the area now with its varied businesses.
The guided walk takes place on 16 November starting from North Acton station at 2pm and lasts about two hours finishing up at a local café.
North Acton Cemetery was built when the area was still mainly agricultural. It dates, like many of the outer London cemeteries, from the mid-1850s. Amongst those buried here are a daredevil young pilot, the first West African to be knighted and Mayor of Freetown and the mother of the poet WB Yeats.
A deep cutting takes the Central Line track through the cemetery and the walk will take the path alongside it joining Chase Road to Park Royal Road. In the 1930s there were tracks coming off the main line connecting with the Park Royal Goods Yard and the Guinness Brewery. They have gone now as have the engineering works and other facilities connected to the railways and as has the Guinness brewery. In their place, a variety of other industries including a few connected with the media and a few shops and a large residential area on the old Guinness land.
The area nearer ASDA and the Central Middlesex Hospital, which is at the end of the walk, might even become a new neighbourhood centre if the OPDC's plans come to fruition.
These walks take place across a number of terrains, so please wear comfortable and sensible shoes.
This is the sixth in a series of walks and talks in the Old Oak & Park Royal area supported by the Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation and the Small Grants funding.
The walks will be photographed and might even be filmed. If you do not wish for your image to be used, please say start of the walk.
The walk is free but you must register to join the walk.
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November 7, 2019