Independent advice on money matters offered on The Mount

The Debt-free bus on tour
February 7, 2023
The Debt Free London bus is coming to Acton this week as part of its London-wide tour.
The bus will be open between 10am-4pm at St Mary’s Church, 1 The Mount, Acton (W3 9NW) on Thursday 9 February and will provide free and confidential, face-to-face advice on all money matters.
It is part of a capital-wide tour of every London borough until the end of February, in response to the cost-of-living crisis, and is supported by the Mayor of London.
Debt Free London is a partnership of 16 charities across London working together. The bus will be staffed by debt advisors at all times, who will be available to give free and confidential advice, and council local welfare officers will also be there to help.
The bus will also provide help in accessing other cost of living support, and host webinars on a range of topics including rent, council tax arrears, budgeting, debt options, and mental health.
Advisors can look at your financial situation and give expert debt advice and recommend solutions to suit your situation. They can work with you to prioritise your bills and debts, and help you to write letters and advocate on your behalf.
Councillor Bassam Mahfouz, Ealing Council’s cabinet member for decent living incomes, said, “The cost of living crisis is placing the worst squeeze on household budgets for a generation.
“Many council support services are seeing a huge increase in demand for help relating to financial hardship, council tax, rent arrears and housing. We know that people are struggling, and this financial pressure has a direct impact on physical and mental wellbeing.
“I would invite anybody in the borough who really needs it, to come down and take advantage of this service – it’s free and confidential.”
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