Borough of Ealing Art Trail makes a triumphant return

One of the sculptures at the new gallery at venue 61+ Act One in Acton ( formerly the Old Acton Library)
It's one of the local highlights at the end of summer and has been much missed over this strange pandemic (like most things art, performance and culture) but the Borough of Ealing Art Trail (BEAT) is back and as brilliant as ever.
There are 63 venues across the whole of Ealing, from the neighbour's house ( who you didn't know was so talented) to spaces including libraries, churches, Questors theatre and lots more traditional art galleries.

Alex Ebdon venue 50
With 200 artists showcasing a wide range of work there's something to suit all tastes, art for everyone and best of's free!
I popped along on the opening weekend, there's a website, a mobile app and a brochure so it's easy to find where all the venues are and have a good wander round our fascinating area - just keep an eye out for the tell-tale purple and orange balloons and posters outside the relevant venues.
I managed to have a good walk and was delighted as ever to see such a variety of displays and made time to chat to some of the very lovely artists and craftspeople, all so very welcoming and more than happy to talk about their work.

There are Covid measures in place - (sanitisers and masks are recommended and generally available) and visitors are urged to respect each artist/individual venue regarding Covid safety.
It all felt totally safe, and none of the locations were overcrowded but if they were you may have to wait outside briefly.
Daniel Haskett Hanwell Hootie art (venue 38)
Chatting to some of the other visitors we all agreed how lovely it was to see so much great art so close to home and marvelled over the high standards on exhibition, most of which would not look out of place in some of the top London galleries.
Dmitri Miletskii venue 51
BEAT takes place 18 -19 September from 11am - 6pm.
I urge you to go and experience this rich wealth of inspirational talent this coming weekend.
Details of all the artists and their contact information is available - do support them where you can.
Welcome back to the BEAT!
Annemarie Flanagan
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14 September 2021