Keir Starmer Visits Ukrainian Church in Acton

Labour leader there to express solidarity with invaded country

Cllr Peter Mason (left), Sir Keir Starmer, Rupa Huq MP and Angela Rayner MP (centre) attend service at at the Ukrainian Orthodox Church on Newton Avenue. Picture: The Labour Party)


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Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer visited the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Acton this week to express their solidarity with the local Ukrainian diaspora in the wake of Russia’s invasion of the country.

He was accompanied by deputy leader Angela Rayner as well as local MP Rupa Huq. The Leader of Ealing council Peter Mason was also in attendance.

The senior Labour politicians attended a service at the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church on Newton Avenue and met with parishioners and clergy to listen to the concerns of the Ukrainian community.

A high-ranking delegation of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the UK was present, including Protopresbyter Bohdan Matwijczuk and The Right Reverend Kenneth Nowakowski. The Catholic Ukrainian Church was also represented.

Proceedings began with a service conducted in Ukrainian after which Ealing resident Yuri Bender, a journalist and member of the parish committee made remarks in English. The church on Newton Avenue in Acton was established as a Baptist Church but was reconsecrated as an Ukrainian Orthodox Church in 1978. Yuri Bender has been a member of the congregation and its predecessor ever since.

Yuri said of the ceremony, “This was the perfect opportunity for members of the Ukrainian community to speak to Westminster politicians and to share their views and concerns after the brutal Russian invasion of our country.

“All of us have family members who are directly affected by the onslaught and want to work with UK leaders to help the Ukrainian people in their desire to be part of the European family of nations.”

Rupa Huq, Member of Parliament for Ealing Central and Acton, added, “It was a thoroughly moving experience to be at the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church and stress how at every level Labour stands shoulder to shoulder with the valiant Ukrainian people.

“I know the Church here is doing vitally important work to raise funds for the humanitarian effort in Ukraine, and I urge people to chip in if they’re able to do so.

“I am appalled by Putin’s outrageous and illegal war and I will be doing all I can alongside the Council and the local Ukrainian community in the coming days and weeks to ensure refugees arriving in the Borough are properly supported. Slava Ukraini!”

After the service, the Labour Party published a video shot at the Church featuring some of the congregation members.

“I’m overwhelmed,” one parishioner remarked. “Every day I’m receiving so many texts from my friends, British friends, you know and they’re supporting, they’re asking whether my family’s okay, and I know how much people are donating to all the Ukrainian charities and that’s what we really need at the moment.”

After the service, Cllr Peter Mason tweeted, “It is abundantly clear that the Ukrainian community in the UK remain strong and united in support of Ukraine, those fighting for freedom, and those already displaced by war, in the hope of a swift return to peaceful blue skies and golden fields. Ealing stands with Ukraine.”

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March 6, 2022


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