Rugby Road scout hut one of improvements being funded

Southfield ward's Liberal Democrat councillors outside scout hut
Last year Liberal Democrat Councillors in Ealing uncovered plans to cut the funding for ward forums. As Chair of the Southfield Ward Forum, covering Chiswick and some of Acton, I said then as I do now, that It seems inconceivable to do away with ward forums at a time when there is a crisis in democracy. Many residents believe they’re not adequately consulted on issues that affect their communities such as planning, nor do they feel they’re listened to.
I have berated Ealing Council’s increasing digitalisation of services which has further distanced residents from the council, such as emails that are sometimes not answered to standard time scales, and sometimes not at all. Residents are rarely able to call anyone in Ealing Council to resolve problems. There is a general sense of feeling that communication with the council has been made intentionally difficult. Though I have worked in customer service roles for over 20 years, and still find face-to-face communication the most effective way of communicating with people, one area I think digitalisation has been a huge benefit, and which the current pandemic has enabled us to do, is conduct Ward Forums via Zoom.
Despite ward forums being reduced over the years from 4 times every year to only 2, the Liberal Democrats are the only party to have maintained four ward forums a year in Southfield. We believe in strong engagement with our community.
Back in February the Ealing Liberal Democrats managed to force Ealing Council to conduct a temporary U-turn on Ward Forums and were extended for another year, pending further investigation in how to conduct ward forums in a cost effective way.
Southfield Liberal Democrat councillors conducted their second “Virtual Ward Forum” last week with great success, as we have made pledges to spend our budget to make further long-term improvements to our ward. These included: New books for Southfield Primary School, helping to fund the continuation of the renovation the Scouts Hut in Rugby Road, a water fountain for Acton Green and a cycle hanger near Acton Lane.
Not only are we the first and only Ward Councillors in Ealing to conduct ward forums this way, more importantly, we have proved to Ealing Council we can maintain ward forums in efficient and cost-effective way.
Councillor Gary Busuttil
Southfield ward Councillor
June 5, 2020