Deadline Looms To Comment on Bollo Bridge Road Scheme |
Plan is for housing scheme near junction with Acton Lane
The deadline for comments on a new application for a housing development on the junction of Acton Lane and Bollo Bridge Road is later this month. The scheme is the second recent attempt by the developer Danny Williams to build on the South Acton Timber site. A design which was seven storeys high was withdrawn in May of last year after over 70 objections from local residents. The new scheme reaches five storeys plus a roof terrace and basement and the developer claims the revised design meets all of the concerns of residents about the earlier application. 40 new housing units would be added at the site including 37 flats in the main building and three terraced houses. The flats would be 10 one bedroom, 23 two bedroom and 4 three bedroom. The basement will provide 19 car parking spaces, 78 cycle parking spaces and a recycling and refuse However, some local residents believe that the buildings will still be too large and will overshadow neighbours in Copenhagen Gardens (W4), Fletcher Road (W4), Bollo Bridge Road (W3). Leythe Road as well as the Chiswick View apartments on Acton Lane. Opponents of the scheme also claim that the consultation on the scheme was inadequate with no letters sent to nearby residents and the planning notice published in a newspaper which was not available in the area.
In a statement given with the new application it is said that the objections to the original scheme were analysed and the project was redesigned to meet the issues raised. The applicant denes that the new block will cause Chiswick View to be unduly overlooked and that there would be any adverse effects on its amenity. For residents of Bollo Bridge Road to the north of the site it is claimed that the ‘minor divergences’ from the guidelines are within ‘widely accepted standards. Similarly any overlooking issues for residents of Fletcher Road and Leythe Road are dismissed. With regard to objections based on the height of the buildings, it is pointed out that it would not be taller than some nearby buildings.
Residents of Chiswick View dismiss the claim that they will be not overlooked saying that the new structure will be less than 20 metres from their development. The link to the application is here and if you wish to comment on the scheme click here. The deadline for comments is 16 February.
February 10, 2022
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