Wants to increase Roslin Road building to 15 storeys

CGI of 15 storey Roslin Road tower from developer's planning submission
A developer has submitted an application to increase the height of a building by Bollo Lane in South Acton to 15 storeys.
Hurlingham Property received planning permission for a 9-storey tower block on the corner of Roslin Road opposite the Royal Mail sorting office last year.
It now has submitted revised plans for this building and another one on Stirling Road at Network House for which it also had planning permission to redevelop. It is proposed to increase the height of the building at Network House to 11 storeys.
The new plans will retain the light industrial workspace at the base of the buildings but will increase the number of flats from 101 to 149 of which the developer says 35% will be classed as affordable. The flats will be a mix of Shared Ownership and London Affordable
Rent tenures.
Hurlington Property purchased the two plots of land at 29-39 Stirling Road (Network House) and 2-10 Roslin Road in 2018. There were over 40 objections to their original plan.
In a statement submitted with their application, the developer says with regard to the increased height of the building, “This is very much in keeping with the emerging building heights of the area. The existing 75 metre distance from the nearby Acton Gardens development will also help to reduce any potential visual and daylight/sunlight impacts on our closest neighbours.”
Nearly 100 objections have been received to the proposal so far mainly on the grounds of the height of the proposed and over development in the area.

CGI of new design for building on Stirling Road from developer's planning submission
Objectors believe that the proposal is against the local plan and the masterplan for Acton Gardens. Residents of Austen Court and Whelan Road are said to be particularly at risk of loss of daylight and privacy.
Although planned development on Bollo Lane includes buildings of up to 25 storeys high this would be the highest building by a significant margin at this end of the road.

Visualisation of planned development along Bollo Lane show approved heights for these sites
At Network House, the block facing Stirling Road will see an increase of two storeys (nine to eleven storeys), while the block facing Bollo Lane will be reduced by one storey (nine to eight storeys).
The application is due to be considered by the Ealing Council planning committee next month. To make a comment go to the council’s planning web page and search for reference 204553FUL.
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January 5, 2021