Pop-up vaccination centres at St Mary's Church and Ark Acton Academy

Take up of the vaccine is relatively low in the Acton area according to the council
Additional pop up coronavirus vaccination dates have been laid on in Acton due to a relatively low take up in the area.
Pop-up vaccinations centres have proved to be very popular with residents and you do not need to have ID or an NHS number.
First or second doses of the vaccine are now available for anyone over 18 at:
- St Mary’s Church, 1, The Mount, Acton High Street, Acton, W3 9NW, on Thursday, 1 July, from 10am-3pm
- Ark Acton Academy, Gunnersbury Lane, W3 8EY, on Saturday, 3 July, from 10am-6pm
- Ark Acton Academy, Gunnersbury Lane, W3 8EY, on Sunday, 4 July, from 8am-12pm
Councillor Josh Blacker, Ealing Council’s cabinet member for healthy lives, said, “I’ve been amazed at the effort residents have put in since the start of the pandemic. We’ve really shown how important community spirit is and how strong we can be when we come together.
“I really cannot stress enough that the best thing we can do for the community now, is to get the jab when it is offered. It not only protects you, but means that others are less likely to catch it if you have COVID-19.
“I am really encouraging all residents, but especially those in Acton and communities where uptake has been lower.
“Say yes to the vaccine if you have not yet had your jab.”
Residents over the age of 18 can also now just walk-up to CP House in Ealing and get their jab every day from 8am to 8pm. This includes people that do not have their ID or NHS number. The address is Ealing Vaccination Centre: CP House, 97-107 Uxbridge Road, Ealing W5 5TL.
The latest infection rate for the London Borough of Ealing is 98 cases per 100,000 population which is above the London average but well below the rate in neighbouring Hammersmith & Fulham which is 173.
In the most recent week of complete data, 17 June - 23 June , 9,352 cases were identified in London, a rate of 104 cases per 100,000 population. This compares with 6,949 cases and a rate of 78 for the previous week. In the most recent week 72,445 cases were identified in England as a whole, a rate of 129 cases per 100,000 population. This compares with 50,684 cases and a rate of 90 for the previous week.
Up to and including 27 June, 5,227,730 people in London had received the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and 3,405,640 had received two doses.
The total number of COVID-19 cases identified in London is 758,375 as at 27 June, this compares to 4,136,940 cases for England as a whole.
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June 29, 2021