Down To Earth - With The Fairies

New art exhibition at the W3 Gallery



Opening Friday 16th May 2014 6-9pm
Exhibition runs until Sunday 1st June 2014
W3 Gallery, 185 Acton High Street, W3 9DJ
Tuesday-Saturday, 11-7pm, Sunday 2-5pm.
For more information contact Martin Lau, Curator.
Tel: +44 780 398 5092

Image: Unspoken by Antonella Ferrari



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West London Arts Collective presents a group show that seeks to connect the essence of the fairy-tale tradition with the here and now.

We say that someone is “away with the fairies” to mean that they are disconnected from reality.

And indeed their all-pervasive iterations in Disney cartoons has propagated this notion of the fairy tale as a fanciful and escapist form. It’s no secret, however, that these stories have often tapped into the more disturbing parts of the human psyche, full of sexual misconduct, violence, and parental betrayal.

Recently there has been a fashion for reconnecting with this dark heart, for example in movies such as Snow White and The Huntsman. Still, running through much of this work there seems to remain a certain romanticisation of that which belongs to a past era. And even those “definitive” versions by the Brothers Grimm were self-censored and set in the distant past relative to the time in which they were recorded.

In an attempt to ground fairy tales and folklore and to rescue them from their sometimes
melodramatic connotations, some of the featured artists have chosen to take images from
traditional tales and recontextualise them, either in a contemporary setting (for example,
the Three Bears are depicted at an art show unaware that their home is being burgled), or
with a cock-eyed slant pointing us towards the manufactured and commodified nature of
folk narratives (modern popular hero/villain Che Guevara recast as Groucho Marx).

Some works directly illustrate pre-existing stories, yet imbue them with a timeless
immediacy that is anything but "away with the fairies". Conversely, some artists weave new
fairy tales seeded from very real experiences, such as the case of mysterious noises
emanating from the attic of a new flat. Ostensibly mundane scenes are imbued with
qualities that provide access to the ethereal whilst avoiding whimsy and remaining firmly
rooted to this world.

West London Arts Collective was formed in 2013 to provide a framework to share resources,
ideas and exhibition opportunities in West London and beyond. Down to Earth (with the
Fairies) features a variety of media including painting, photography, sculpture and video,
from members of the collective as well as contributions from around London, the UK and

23rd April 2014