Shisoka mural on the corner of Churchfield Road was created by Fin DAC

The first large scale mural crowdfunded as part of a grass roots urban art project has gone on display in Acton.
£54K was raised through a Space Hive campaign with strong support from the local community, local businesses, Acton BID, Ealing Council, the Acton Central Ward Forum and The Mayor of London.
'Acton Unframed' launched over the summer with a major coup; world renowned artist Fin DAC, created the first colourful mural on the Myrtle Rd corner of Churchfield Rd, W3.

The striking artwork was painted during the week of August 19th 2019. Crowds gathered and a steady stream of residents and street art fans came to watch the Shisoka mural’s daily progress.
Headed up by local residents Kal Di Paola and Jewel Goodby and being delivered in partnership with West London Art Factory, Acton Unframed aims to attract visitors to the area and serve as a catalyst to engage the community and to inspire commercial and social change in the neighbourhood.
There will be five large scale murals in the area and all artists will be given a brief to draw inspiration from Acton’s history and its vibrant and diverse community to create a direct link to the commissioned artworks
Kal Di Paola said: ''
We see street art as just the first step in a movement to create a more vibrant neighbourhood. With increased footfall and interest in the area we envisage opportunities to create community events, creative markets and family festivals to celebrate all that the area has to offer”
Acton Unframed will continue to deliver the remaining four artworks throughout 2019/2020. The team have plans to work with schools and community groups to host public workshops and events.
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4th September 2019