Regenerating Acton Through Street Art

Innovative new plans underway to bring a slice of Shoreditch to W3

( Fin Dac: pic credit Sean Stucheon)

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What do you think about Street Art?

Some antis think it disfigures buildings. But how do you explain the many cities around the world which have embraced it, making it a reason to visit certain areas?

In Shoreditch, you can go on a tour of the amazing street art which has helped to regenerate this neighbourhood making it one of London’s exciting, new destinations.

Street art transforms buildings and feels very different from a framed piece in a gallery. It seeps into the neighbourhood around it, breathing life into corners and featureless walls. Acton has already been adorned by Street Art.

My favourite was the fabulous Snipe by ATM. The recently demolished Charles Hocking House on South Acton estate was adorned by the mural Big Mother, apparently the tallest mural in the UK. Instead of a featureless wall, the building was warmed by this thought-provoking image.


shoreditch street art

I found lots of street art while visiting Athens recently and found that the buildings it adorned felt like loved corners instead of forgotten, possibly shabby or run-down places.


As I write this, the ambitious proposal to kick start a vibrant new street art movement in Acton is due to be put to the Mayor of London for funding, with additional support being requested from Ealing Council. The campaign has already raised a large slice of the £55,000 needed and it is hoped that Ealing Council will also contribute. Contributing just £2 will add another supporter to the growing list for this campaign.

Celebrated Street Artist Fin Dac, has agreed to paint the first mural. Other examples of his work can be found in New Zealand, Australia, Paris and elsewhere.

There is much support for this potentially transforming art in Acton. Yes, there are the naysayers who worry that it won’t be to their taste, or that it might not be what they want to see in their neighbourhood. When you go to the National Gallery or Tate Modern, do you absolutely love every single piece of art on the walls? I know that’s no comparison with street art, but just like art in a gallery, even if you don’t like it it will make you think and start conversations.

Whatever you think, this will definitely transform Acton. If you look at what world-class street art has done for places like Shoreditch and Athens, it is often the sign that change is happening, that grass-roots movements are taking hold.

For years, residents of W3 have been wanting to have more control of what happens here. This is a great opportunity. With much of the change we would like to see controlled outside W3, this is something we can all get behind.

Please visit the page and lend your support.

Clare Gittins

19th June 2019


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