Network Rail Wants Rail Access Point on Horn Lane |
Plans to take over Jewson site to enable building of Old Oak Common HS2 station
Network Rail are planning to build a new lineside logistics compound on Horn Lane which will be operating on a 24 hour a day basis. It intends to take over the current Jewsons depot just to the south of the Great Western Mainline for the construction of a facility to support the building of the new Old Oak Common station which will be the HS2 terminus. Network Rail is seeking to permanently acquire land at the rear of Jewson’s for future access needs. Following the completion of the station work, which is expected to take eight years, part of the Horn Lane site will remain as a permanent Network Rail road-rail vehicle access point. It says permanent access will enable it to undertake regular maintenance works more easily reducing the amount of disruption to services. The current warehouse building will be retained and used as a storage facility for equipment and key materials and office space. It will install an access point, which will allow machinery to get on and off. Additional portable tower lighting will be needed for use at night which Network Rail says will be directed away from neighbouring properties. Network Rail intends to apply for planning permission for the 8 year temporary change of use of the land from a builders merchant to a railway construction and logistics compound. It will also be seeking authorisation for acquisition of land outside their current operational and landownership boundary through a Transport and Works Act Order (TWAO) for the Lineside Logistics Compound and Rail-Road access points. This submission will be made at the beginning of next year but it is not anticipated the Secretary of State will give the necessary clearance until 2024 at which point work at the site would commence and Jewsons would be relocated. It is holding two events to display the plans at Friary Park Community Centre on Joseph Avenue (W3 6NL) on Thursday 20 October and Thursday 3 November from 3.30pm to 8.30pm. Residents near the site have been complaining for some time about what they believe to be a loose sleeper causing excessive noise near the site and they are planning to raise this matter during the consultation. You can make comments on the proposals by emailing
October 20, 2022