Syed Kamall 'deeply moved' after visiting community run homeless centre

(From left to right: Sarah Seare, Sue Ryan, Amanda Cadogan, Syed Kamall MEP)
Syed Kamall, MEP for London and leader of the third largest group in the European Parliament was in Acton last week to visit a homeless centre which proves what communities can do to tackle social issues.
The Hope Centre, based at Acton Baptist church, was set up by Amanda Cadogan and her team, who saw that local support for homeless people was lacking and wanted to make a difference.
Showing Dr Kamall around, Amanda told him that she felt that there were a lot of gaps in the system which people hadn`t spotted, allowing some individuals to slip through the safety net.
"If people genuinely want to get help we should be helping them." Amanda told Dr Kamall.
As well as being one of Britain's most senior figures in Brussels, Dr Kamall also champions community projects right across London, working with social action schemes, entrepreneurs from difficult backgrounds and has his own micro finance initiative to help those most in need.
"We all have a duty whether we are politicians, officials or members of the community to tackle the issues we face. Amanda proves what is possible when you say enough is enough and take action."
Dr Kamall, met several members of the Hope Centre, including Sarah Seare, Sue Ryan, and Amanda Cadogan, as well as hearing about the struggles of some of those who use it.
"I was deeply moved." says Dr Kamall. "One gentleman told me about his experiences. He told me that the people there gave him hope and gave him courage."
13th March 2017