Acton History Group Walk | ||||
New landscapes and old in South Acton
Acton is changing fast. Explore some of the new places emerging in place of the old in an Acton History Group Walk on Sunday 15 July from 3-5pm. Starting at Chiswick Business Park with its stylish glass fronted offices and peaceful lakeside setting glimpse the new suspension bridge linking the Park to South Acton. There’ll be a chance to view a show flat at the Acton Gardens Marketing Suite, then see some of the 2,500 new homes being built on this 52 acre site. The walk ends about 5pm via Woodlands Park (with its historic Icehouse) for a drink at the recently re-furbished Aeronaut pub on Acton High Street. Free but please let us know you are coming - contact David Bays on tel 89920287 or e-mail July 2 2018