Maire Lowe reports on public meeting with Catalyst Housing

With a new planning application for the Friary Park estate expected next month, representatives from Catalyst Housing came to St. Mary's on Wednesday 15th March to explain the changes they have made since they first proposed the demolition and rebuild of the estate more than two years ago.
The proposed design and a handy list of FAQs are on their
The current estate is badly in need of repair. Insulation is poor, energy costs are too high, mould is common, and most tenants are anxious for change.
Catalyst say regeneration of the estate will not be possible without private investment, which means the building of homes for private sale on the land.
The current number of units on the estate is 225. The proposal is for approximately 201 social housing units, 86 shared ownership, approximately 236 shared living accommodation for private rent ( studio apartments with shared facilities) and 110 for private sale.
The private apartments will be in a high rise block of 17 storeys, overlooking Acton Main Line station and the views to the west. It seems that high rise of this type commands a bigger sale price.
Parking on the estate is set to reduce and the the proximity of the estate to public transport is expected to reduce the need for private motoring. There will be limited basement parking available under one of the blocks and some street parking. Residents on the estate will not be allowed permits for nearby streets. It is assumed that nearby streets will have all day controlled parking.
Catalyst own research shows highest need for family social housing so unlikely there will be units for single people or childless couples. We did not discuss what would happen to current single residents as Catalyst are still in discussion with individuals.
Rents will be the same as for any Catalyst apartment but there will be a service charge. Catalyst believe the additional cost will be mitigated by lower energy costs. Catalyst expect the regeneration of the estate will not be complete until 2023. The first phase scheduled to begin next year will be social housing, unlike previous plans to begin with the private apartments.
Locals attending the public meeting were most concerned with the lack of an environmental impact assessment for the area (a Council decision) the proposal for high rise buildings out of keeping with the area and the prospect of ten years building work. It is likely that the Central Acton Neighbourhood Forum will address these issues as well as the rights of the current tenants of the estate. Comments and suggestions welcome.
Maire Lowe
27th March 2017