Descendants' host new classes to get young people moving

Descendants' dance class (prior to Lockdown)
An Acton based charity is putting on an International week of dance on over the February half term holiday - online.
The youth organisation, Descendants, based at Acton Gardens Community Centre, is an arts-focused educational project aimed at children and young people aged 4-18 years primarily – though not exclusively – of African and Caribbean descent.
It's been working in the community since 1993. Founder Margaret Noel
was born in Grenada and came to the UK in 1961 during the Windrush era.
She said: ''When Descendants began there was nothing like it in the area. Its ethos was based on togetherness, being a family for African and Caribbean children to come together and learn from each other. Whenthe club began we were not sure how it would develop. We did not have any money; however we had an enthusiastic set of parents and individuals. Together as a group of parents,friends and associates, we planned the sessions, contributing and donating from our own pockets, we provided pens, paper, materials and most importantly, time."
From the early days Descendants has grown
and in 2019 was officially recognised with the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service - the highest award any voluntary group can win.
The charity has previously held weekly sessions focussing on African and Caribbean culture exploring history, art, craft, music, drama and dance.
This project has been running for almost 20 years, previously it's led to the children doing performances for the Queen's jubilee, Arsenal football club at the Hilton, for Pattie Boulay at the Royal Albert Hall.
Like everyone, Descendants has had to find ways to adapt to the current lockdown circumstances and this years half term event during 15th-19th February entitled the ''Rhythmic Dance Triangle'' will have two age groups 7-11 and 12-16 and will make use of technology - moving online. Teachers will be from India, Trinidad as well as the UK.
The free project will be held online and parents of any child who would like to attend are advised to get in contact to register their place now.
07745 889521/07818 251138
Annemarie Flanagan
2nd February 2021