A first look inside as volunteers work together to transform the old library

Volunteers helping at the Acton Arts Project
From the very start The Acton Arts Project has had massive support from the community.
Initial plans to convert the Old Library into a brand new cinema were backed financially through a very successful Crowdfunding project and following this the London Mayor added more to the pot to enable the idea to become a reality.
Now the refurbishment is underway and the
Grade 2 listed building (which hasn't been used since it closed in 2014) is being painted, decorated and totally transformed with the help of many residents.
Ealing Filmmaker, Steve Haskett, has started documenting the work, and will continue all the way through to the first opening event, and, now for the first time we can see the inside of the Old Library and the task ahead.

Acton Arts project transformation of the Old Library
The Arts project team are delighted with the support received so far and thank everyone. They say:
"Acton has waited long enough for a local cinema of its own and now an independent pop-up cinema is coming to Acton High Street this summer. It’s a big step on the road to a fully independent, two screen cinema in the Old Library in a couple of years
''The lease for the old Library building was signed at the end of April and in May our Spacehive crowdfunding campaign was successfully concluded. Now we are working hard to get the ground floor prepped for the Pop-Up build. The group behind this could not have come this far without the generous support of the people of Acton. Which has been demonstrated by the fantastic team of volunteers who have been donating their time and energy to this stage of the works."

Inside the Old Library as work gets underway to transform it
They're planning to open with a series of community events in the summer.
If you can help with the ongoing work, volunteers are always needed, contact the team actonartsproject@gmail.com
Annemarie Flanagan
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27 May 2021