Memorial Bench For Acton Teen Has New Home | ||||
Moved to Acton Green following disruptive behaviour from youths
The memorial bench to an Acton teenager who died in 2011 has found a new home on Acton Green. The bench, in memory of Isobel Jones Reilly, was the focal point of gatherings of teenagers some of whom were involved in anti-social behaviour on Chiswick Back Common according to local residents. After a series of complaints the bench was removed and has now been located next to St Alban's Church, near the playground on Acton Green. There is also a new tree at the centre of the circular bench. It now is located in an area managed by Ealing Council. The memorial was originally installed for fifteen year old Issy who attended Chiswick School following her death after taking ecstasy at a party. 3rd January 2018