Landing in Acton Very Soon |
The Aeronaut - a brand new pub on High Street
Describing itself as part pub, part brewery, part circus and ''Entirely unlike anything you've seen before'' it's out with the old and in with the new on Acton High Street. The famous Redback is no more, the Acton Arms failed to open, but, on November 1st, a new pub,The Aeronaut, is expected to land. InnBrighton, the Brighton-based operator of 44 pubs led by Gary Pettet and Gavin George is leasing the former Aussie and Kiwi expatriate music venue, from Enterprise Inns - it's been closed since early 2012. Gavin George said : ''It’s an amazing site in a location which our extensive research suggests is ideal for our style of pub operation.” InnBrighton has previous history with old pubs transforming the Crystal Palace Tavern in East Dulwich into the Great Exhibition, the Greyhound in Battersea into the Candle Maker and the Clarendon in Newington Green into the Dissenting Academy. The company will invest £600,000 into the creation of a flagship site in Acton with a micro-brewery. Chairman Gary Pettet, said: '' Enterprise will also be making an investment in the building along with us, and we expect that the re-launched pub will be a credit to both our businesses and a unique addition to the West London pub scene, of which Acton residents can similarly be proud.'' The inspiration for the new pub's name came from turn-of-the-century pilot, George Lee Temple (1892- 1914), who was born in Acton and become the first Englishman to fly an aeroplane upside down. His grave is in Acton Cemetery. The pub will pay tribute to Temple and all early pioneers of powered and unpowered flight, and will attempt to create a unique experience through cabaret acrobats, burlesque and circus performers.
What do you think of the name? Discuss on the forum.
September 9th 2013